The story takes place 600 years into the future in an alternate universe. The story is about Gabriel a super soldier designed to be invincible to fight the wars of earth. However he gets framed by a terrorist organisation known as Pandemonium for atrocious crimes he didn’t commit. They sentence him to life in a level-9 facility (hell on earth) where he is tortured for 9 years before he finally breaks out. Only then does his story truly begin, and the lies and twists unravel.
The opening line of the synopsis - “My name is Gabriel and I'm going to take you on a little adventure through my life. I must warn you though, it's not for the faint of heart or stomach, for that matter. There will be laughing, crying, sex, violence, robots, ninjas, burlesque girls, body builder sharks and shit you wouldn't fathom.”
The combination of his art and his understanding of the source material really sold me on the chaotic violent world that’s been created. I couldn’t help feel when reading Dan LuVisi’s interviews that I was on the same wave length as this guy!!!
If your thinking this is wildly exaggerated and unrealistic then you’re missing the point. (face palm) This is adult escapism, you just have to go with it if you’re going to have any fun... If you cant appreciate the OTT nature your severely lacking in imagination.
Here are some choice quotes from Dan LuVisi “It all started with just one simple image, of this character named Alice, a girl with a gun-guitar. A lot of my friends really responded to it, so I began to design more characters.”
“It was going to be just a cool character book, nothing more. But then I designed Gabriel, and that's when everyone got excited. I then began to create a story, which then turned into history, which then turned into a universe and so forth.”
“The LMS world is very 60s/80s meets sci-fi. So I listen to a lot of golden classics, and then some Justice, NIN, Muse, Daft Punk, Kavinsky, Ryan Johnson and Danger to get into that weird-mode. I can't draw without music, I owe a lot to those amazing artists for the constant company.”
“I've been crafting over the past two and a half years. I want it to be a graphic novel series, but start it in a non-traditional way. Where most comics start off with a first issue, this starts off with a 230-page bible of a book, Killbook of a Bounty Hunter, that sets up the entire universe of the LMS world.”
“For the book, I did absolutely everything. From designing it, the art, the type, the story and all the other nooks and crannies. I didn't have any money to hire anyone, so this was really a labour of love. It was incredibly difficult and really took a lot out of me mentally and physically. But looking back at it now, I'm really happy that I just took it all on. I hope to stay along for the whole ride, but I want some other talent to come in now. I have no issues with that!”
Dan LuVisi’s art takes a lot of guy stuff I love and somehow combines into one coherent thing! 60’s Pinup girls, comic violence, over engineered design, retro childhood influences, and all the modern culture and music I love.
I am facinated with the images alone I just can’t wait to get my hands on this! :)
Be sure to check out the amazing L.M.S. website
Also check out his art!!!