Monday, 16 August 2010

L.M.S. Spectacular Art

Came across an article today about Paramount winning a bidding war to procure movie motion picture rights for the graphic novel L.M.S. (Last Man Standing) by Dan LuVisi. Interested I went to investigate the website and was amazed at his spectacular art!!! He’s really struck gold I think in creating a rich compelling world of with some amazing characters!!!

The story takes place 600 years into the future in an alternate universe. The story is about Gabriel a super soldier designed to be invincible to fight the wars of earth. However he gets framed by a terrorist organisation known as Pandemonium for atrocious crimes he didn’t commit. They sentence him to life in a level-9 facility (hell on earth) where he is tortured for 9 years before he finally breaks out. Only then does his story truly begin, and the lies and twists unravel.

The opening line of the synopsis - “My name is Gabriel and I'm going to take you on a little adventure through my life. I must warn you though, it's not for the faint of heart or stomach, for that matter. There will be laughing, crying, sex, violence, robots, ninjas, burlesque girls, body builder sharks and shit you wouldn't fathom.”

The combination of his art and his understanding of the source material really sold me on the chaotic violent world that’s been created. I couldn’t help feel when reading Dan LuVisi’s interviews that I was on the same wave length as this guy!!!

If your thinking this is wildly exaggerated and unrealistic then you’re missing the point. (face palm) This is adult escapism, you just have to go with it if you’re going to have any fun... If you cant appreciate the OTT nature your severely lacking in imagination.

Here are some choice quotes from Dan LuVisi “It all started with just one simple image, of this character named Alice, a girl with a gun-guitar. A lot of my friends really responded to it, so I began to design more characters.”

“It was going to be just a cool character book, nothing more. But then I designed Gabriel, and that's when everyone got excited. I then began to create a story, which then turned into history, which then turned into a universe and so forth.”

“The LMS world is very 60s/80s meets sci-fi. So I listen to a lot of golden classics, and then some Justice, NIN, Muse, Daft Punk, Kavinsky, Ryan Johnson and Danger to get into that weird-mode. I can't draw without music, I owe a lot to those amazing artists for the constant company.”

“I've been crafting over the past two and a half years. I want it to be a graphic novel series, but start it in a non-traditional way. Where most comics start off with a first issue, this starts off with a 230-page bible of a book, Killbook of a Bounty Hunter, that sets up the entire universe of the LMS world.”

“For the book, I did absolutely everything. From designing it, the art, the type, the story and all the other nooks and crannies. I didn't have any money to hire anyone, so this was really a labour of love. It was incredibly difficult and really took a lot out of me mentally and physically. But looking back at it now, I'm really happy that I just took it all on. I hope to stay along for the whole ride, but I want some other talent to come in now. I have no issues with that!”

To summarise why I love this:

Dan LuVisi’s art takes a lot of guy stuff I love and somehow combines into one coherent thing! 60’s Pinup girls, comic violence, over engineered design, retro childhood influences, and all the modern culture and music I love.

I am facinated with the images alone I just can’t wait to get my hands on this! :)

Be sure to check out the amazing L.M.S. website

Also check out his art!!!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Extreme International Soft Drinking!!!

It’s hard to be original these days but trust Mr Boydee Blog to bring you reviews of rare international soft drinks not found easily within this country. (The UK) I take this shit seriously because I understand that drinking 5 of these soft drinks in a row could cause anything or nothing to happen!!! I have done all the necessary stretches to mentally and physically prepare my body for the ensuing sugar rush. So LET’S DO THIS!!!

Okay let’s kick this off with one of my favourite soft drinks of all time Mountain Dew!!! The formula was first made and marketed in Knoxville and Johnson City, Tennessee, USA through the 1940s. It has a smooth citrus flavor that isn’t too sweet like a lot of soft drinks on the market right now.

While I don’t think everyone will think it’s an instant classic it is worth picking up to try it out. I could personally drink it all day I love it so much it’s a refreshing and easy to drink beverage that won’t make you feel bloated either.

Two unfounded urban legends about Mountain Dew exist. One is that it causes shrunken testicles!! (Errr…) and/or penis size. (WHAT!!!!) The other is that it lowers sperm count. (Did Satan make this drink!?) Both myths are typically attributed to the dye Yellow #5 (tartrazine)

Yellow #5 has never been scientifically linked to any of the alleged effects in the legends, nor has any other component of the drink. Thus, there is no evidence that Mountain Dew is any more hazardous (or beneficial) to health than other caffeinated, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, provided one is not allergic to Yellow #5. (Few…..)

There is currently a petition in the UK to get the drink sold here although there is a “Mountain Dew Energy” that has been introduced into the energy drink market here. I’ve yet to find it though.

Ulker is a Turkish manufacturer of food products, they also make some pretty shitty soft drinks if these are anything to go by. Link orange was just a generic orange drink while Icim cherry tasted like bad cranberry juice. Save your money and buy a Fanta.

Hmm I wonder what country this soft drink comes from? That’s correct! Brazil... It’s hard to describe the flavour of this drink, in a good way however, it’s like nothing out there. One of the most important characteristics of a soft drink is to be original. The last thing I want to do is to be drinking something that’s ripping off another drink.

I’m actually really impressed by this one however, best way I can describe it is an apple, cherry blend with a sweet bouquet. They use an E150d colorant (Huh!?) which any soft drink aficionado knows gives it a caramel colour... This is actually the second biggest soft drink in Brazil second only to Coca-Cola and I can see why! Would recommend it!

Spar-Letta has been manufactured by the Coca-Cola Company in South Africa since 1955. While growing up in South Africa these drinks where my favourite!!! Even now when I drink it I get transported to my childhood the flavours are that distinct to me!!!

While Spar letta comes in many flavours Apple, Cherry Plum, Citrus Lemon, Coconut Pineapple, Cola, Lemon, Raspberry and Strawberry. Crème soda is the flagship flavour of the brand. In my opinion there is no better crème soda developed in the UK or the US that can compete with Spar-Letta’s they are well and truly kings in this field.

Strawberry is the only other flavour I’ve had which is very similar but has a tinge of strawberry added to the mix. Spar-Letta has a solid range of drinks here that are firm favourites in my eyes. If you can find a South African shop near you, which there are many especially in London, grab them immediately!

Looks like I’ve come to end of my Soft Drinking escapades hope you found this informative. Check back regularly for more as I may even go into different drink genres!!! :O

Mr Boydee Blog - Your Only Source For International Soft Drink Reviews.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Boydee Blog On The Go!

Discovered this great little app called Pulse News Reader, it's basically an RSS feed reader that gets news from your favourite sources. Most importantly is just how brilliant its design and presentation is! With fluid movement and sharp pictures its well worth the download if you own an Iphone, Ipad or Android mobile.

I just recently found out also to my surprise that Boydee Blog was compatible with it! So follow these four steps if you want to add me.

1. Go to App store and search Pulse News Mini it costs £1.19 on Iphone but will serve all your news needs!

2. Start up Pulse!

3. Search "mrboydeeblog" one word.

4. Hey presto! Aint it a beaut! Well I love it but Im a sucker for good presentation it's even better when you see it in motion!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Steve Jobs Gives Me A Free Bumper

I went to pick up the mail this morning and found I had a package. Hello what do we have here...? Mail from Apple! Seems they sent me my free bumper for my Iphone 4. “What? Apple gave away something for free????”

Yea! It’s not just me either any person who purchased an Iphone 4 before July 23rd is entitled to a free Iphone 4 bumper costing £25. Now before you think Apple might have rewarded their dedicated fan base. Of course it’s because of the antenna issue...

If you didn’t already know the Iphone 4 has this steel band around it which is split into 2 parts. The left side is dedicated to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS. While the right is UMTS and GSM quite an ingenious idea as it gives better mobile coverage.

However because the steel band is exposed, the moment you hold the phone with your left hand you cause it short circuit. In effect, what this means is you start losing your signal around 18 to 24 decibels to be exact. It’s at this point the whole internet lost its God dam mind!

“What? I can’t use my Iphone with my exposed hand! This is total Bull Sh*% Apple I hope you die!!! “

“Will I lose my connection if I dial 999? I just cut off my hand in an attempt to not hold the phone but I can’t even pick it up now please help!?!”

“How could you do this to me Apple I would have died for you :’(”

“Screw you Apple! I’m buying a Blue-Berry!!!”

“This is the worst thing to happen to Apple since Microsoft!…”


I myself was just about to get ready to hang myself outside the Apple store in Oxford Circus… That’s when some genius on the internet came up with a solution!... The problem was the price of the solution… £0.001p!

Who da thunk it? A small piece of scotch tape placed in a strategic place fixed the issue completely!!! No more decibel drop outs in fact using any case that covered the steel bumper stopped you from losing any signal. even came up with cool decals you could stick on the entire bumper that looked just like the steel band on the phone. The internet could finally rest easy, no?……….. “Fuck That!!! I’m not paying £0.001p”

If anything the solution only made people more angry? As they started requesting for a total recall on the product to remedy the situation. The real battle however was going on at the Apple H.Q. as Steve Jobs was about to kill every Apple employee who designed the antenna.

Now I don’t want to seem like I’m defending Apple because I find that elitist Apple fanboys to be quite pretentious. Apple has always prided themselves on creating software that doesn’t crash and high quality hardware that lasts. To expect them to not make a mistake once in a while even though you’re paying a premium price for their products is a little unfair.

At the same time this whole antenna issue has been blown out of proportion. It’s really not a big deal the whole phone is made of glass which could easily slip out your hand so not putting it in a case that protects it seems ridiculous, to me at least. If you’re that upset about it you can always return the phone!

Truth is no one wants to return the phone it’s the best phone out there! The screen is gorgeous. And it runs on the same Apple A4 chip as the Ipad. And I haven’t found one application that is slow to load yet. As someone who loves design I really like the look and feel of the phone. How many phones do you know that aren’t made of plastic? It’s a quality product with a good battery life also! It’s just a shame that its form didn’t follow its function.