Sunday 9 February 2014

Her Review: Dating in the Future is Complicated…

Theodore Twombly is a character that’s married to Rooney Mara, his best friend is Amy Adams, he goes on dates with Olivia Wilde and… Scarlett Johansson is in love with him. But despite what you may think this is not a story about being the luckiest man in the world…

Okay so maybe I left out some critical information about the plot… Lets try again. Theodore Twombly played by Joaquin Phoenix lives in a future Los Angeles but this future is not that dissimilar from our own. In this future though it seems we spend more time talking to our phones than we do to other people. And as such, feels like a science fiction film grounded in a 21st century reality.

Director Spike Jonze has done a remarkable job of creating a cognitive film that contemplates what our contemporary antisocial dependence on technology is doing to our essential innate human need to be social and have healthy relationships. In doing so feels like and eerie realisation of a future that awaits us.

Theodore, being a quirky and sensitive individual with the interpersonal skills to relate to the emotions of others. Works the peculiar job of writing hand written letters for people that can't properly express themselves.

After suffering a devastating mid life break up with his wife Catharine, he struggles deeply to pick up the pieces of his life. Phoenix does a fantastic job of portraying a very lonely, depressed and
disillusioned protagonist. Whose fear and vulnerability in relationships is something you empathise with throughout the film.

Reclusive, he becomes intrigued in OS1, the worlds very first artificially intelligent operating system with its own conscience. Samantha the Siri like OS, huskily voiced by Scarlett Johansson is the most interesting character in the film. Samantha’s personality is nothing short of amazing. She is friendly, funny and it is genuinely great to hear her interact with Theodore. Unlike older operating systems in this world she has intuition and is constantly learning from her experiences with humans. 

The film revolves around them both having a relationship and asks the question what is our relationship with technology? And what is our responsibility to it? Olivia Wilde has a real small role as Theodore’s date that goes horribly wrong but she is instrumental in progressing the film to where Theodore can open up to Samantha and they can become intimate in a natural (if disembodied) way.

Of course Samantha doesn’t have a body, this is the big contention you have to deal with. The film never addresses the need to define Samantha as an avatar or even turn her into a robot, which I think it works better for. During the relationship Jonze seems to contend that love is the connection between psyches and, if anything, looks are not a large factor in true love.

You definitely feel uneasy about the relationship but I found it interesting societies reaction to the relationships of A.I's and humans is one of complete acceptance. Its true your enjoyment of film will be hampered if you are unable to conceive an AI conciseness but Samantha does become the positive influence Theodore needs to pull him out of his melancholy. When he asks if it’s wrong or right? I think that his best-friend Amy, played by Amy Adams, seems to sum it up: "we're only here briefly. And while I'm here, I wanna allow myself joy. So f**k it."

The only person in the film to challenge the AI relationship is his wife played by Rooney Mara. In an excellent scene where they come together to sign divorce papers she says he can’t handle real emotions. And we find out through the film she’s somewhat right. Theodore's ex-wife's "volatile" emotions can be seen as a main reason as to why the relationship did not work, yet tragically he feels too much of a connection to her. (she was his life-long friend) 

In comparison Samantha as an AI is pure and innocent. She is completely new to relationships, she has no insecurity, no self doubt. Unlike the real women in his life there is no human baggage. Theodore is mistaken however in thinking that Samantha is any less complicated to date. She to develops her own insecurities, in particular about not having a body. While Theodore soon starts to feel uncomfortable and doubt if it can really work.

They say that love is giving someone the power to destroy you… but trusting them not to. Theodore can’t fully commit to the responsibility and the sacrifices needed in maintaining love. Dealing with real emotions (in the give and take of a relationship) he cowers. These flaws make him his own worst enemy, leading him to destroy what he loves most.

I don’t want to spoil anymore of the plot here. I deliberately missed out some of the best moments of the film so you have the enjoyment of exploring them for yourselves. When it all comes down to it, this film is not really about technology or the future; it’s about adult relationships and complex emotions. There is a lot here to self reflect on, no matter what stage you are at in your life. Solidarity, searching for the fullness and richness love brings to life, confronting past regrets and failings and seeking acceptance and forgiveness in the love of another.

After the credits, I found myself questioning things in my own life that either don't make sense or don't have to make sense. Like love and thoughts and emotions. They're all so natural and yet none of us truly understand how they work. I thought about the adaptation process we all go through and the highs and lows that change us and make us grow.

I watched all the Oscar films this year but this one was the only film I felt the need to write about in any real detail. It is definitely a writer’s film in the way it tackles the human condition and deservers to win best original script. The film has great cinematography and an excellent score and is surprisingly funny and heart warming at times.

Boydee Blog Rating: 4/5 foul-mouthed video game alien children

Wednesday 22 May 2013

What is Love? Camel Don't Hurt Me!

I am disappointed and ashamed of each and everyone of you so called "Social Network Friend's." Too busy reporting on what you thought held sway or was some how significant. Yeah.. Right! You all failed to mention last month probably the most important, most momentous and most monumental of all events! A contest and trial that goes beyond any OTHER!!!!

I am of course referring to the "Mazayen Al-Ibl" a week-long competition, where all the fair camels in the Arab world, gather in Saudia Arabia to be pit against one another in a pure battle of... not stamina, not speed... but beauty.

The camel voted most beautiful can reportedly fetch as high as 1,000,000+ Saudi Riyals. But how does one distinguish between an attractive camel and a not so attractive one? Well, I will let Sultan Al-Qahtani, one of the organisers of the event (as reported here), answer. When asked about this he said: "the nose should be long and droop down, that's more beautiful". But that's not all, "the ears should stand back and the neck should be long. The hump should be high but slightly to the back."

It's weird because those are the exact features I look for in a woman...

Some female camels in the competition are reportedly forced to wear harnesses around their "privates" (a camel chastity belt if you will) in order to counter the many attempts from male camels to mount them. Now ladies, before you brandish these male camels as disgusting perverts! 
I’ve personally got a lot of respect for these guys. (I do?)

To be fair, these male camels were probably used to months of lonely travel in the deserts and thus never saw female camels before, (because they were back home cooking stuff and cleaning, of course) let alone a high concentration of 'beautiful' ones in such a small space at the same time.

Fade In

There you are suddenly staring at the
Jessica Alba of the camel world, shaking those humps like she knows how to use them. She winks at you with those 4 inch eye lashes, your heart skips a beat. You're frothing at the mouth, (no seriously camels froth at the mouth when aroused) testosterone is being pumped throughout your entire body and without logic or reason YOU know exactly, what you have to do! Ohhhh Yeah!!!

Engage in awkward small talk…

But THEN you know what you really have to do! Alright!!!

Take her out for dinner a couple of times, try to initiate some semblance of romance and resort to begging if all else fails.

Finally! After the Bow chikka bow wow!? Both camels are now more relaxed, smoking camel cigarettes… (ugh) The female camel is in deep remorse how she let this ugly mongrel of a camel violate her and the male camel explains he’s not looking for a long term camel relationship…

End Scene
Roll Credits. 

“Well you'll never work in this town again but its still a better love story than..”

Oh come on

Unfortunately all these camel orgies in the desert became a big problem for Oh… Say… Event organiser’s.. Judges.. The general public.. Small children… as people got tired of the imminent dangers of avoiding the thrusting advances of the ravenous lusting herds.

Compelled to find a solution the organisers of the event created a "two strikes and you're out" mounting rule. In other words, if the same camel tries to mount another camel twice then he will be escorted away and disqualified. Losing not only a chance to compete but also further mating privileges. This humiliation is the single greatest shame a camel can experience. 

So what is the message with all this?... Well errr... Camels are beautiful!? Love is beautiful! And we should all love a little more and hate a little less. So you should click the play button below and smile at this picture of two camels that just cant get enough of each other.

Much love, Mr Boydee ;)

Sunday 11 March 2012

An Actual Blog

For some reason I felt the need to write. I thought maybe now would be a good time to explain my departure from personal writing and the growing difficulties and dilemmas I have had when posting for the last 2 years.

I had started writing blogs at 16, I had this little blog on Windows Live Spaces. It was not much but was a fun distraction after a long day. I was free back then to be unimpeded with my thoughts. I can no longer do that anymore.

I slowly found there were things in my life I no longer wanted to share; I didn’t feel happy, I didn’t feel funny, I just wanted to be left alone. The truth was I started to hate blogging and what it stood for, I wanted to write, in a way, to escape from the burdens of my life. Its escapism that attracted me to writing in the first place. When it came to writing on a personal level, it required me to write about the very thing that I would like to escape from.

To make myself relive experiences would only cause discomfort; no one would want to vicariously relive these moments, even fewer my age could really conceive them.

Blogs by their very nature can make you sound self conceited I started to think anyone who wanted to read what some 20ish year old guy had to say about the little life he had, should probably tell him to get over himself. It’s why I was relived when my Live Space blog was taken down, it saved me the hassle of hitting the delete button myself.

In the 6 to 10 months to follow though, to my surprise, I started to get emails and a text message, from strangers who used to read my old blog. Asking if I was okay, what happened to me, was I going to write again? Huh?... I always thought how pathetic my later blogs got no comments. I didn’t think anyone was really reading towards the end, let alone cared for my wellbeing. I was deeply humbled by my exchanges with each of these individuals but explained I just didn’t want to talk about my life anymore.

It was at this time I might add the whole Facebook generation was in full effect, It had become so easy to find out who I am and what I do; that I just had to go through so much anguish, just trying to think of everyone who might read about me. How would I come off to these people?... Why did it matter? All I knew is I had no clue how I fit in? I ended up distancing myself from just about everyone.

Truth is people care way too much what people think. “The approval of others often forms an essential part of our capacity to think we are right.” That is why people have their social cliques they feel safe in, even if they are dying to get out.

Part of growing up is making hard choices that go against popular opinion. It’s freeing to let go of these hang-ups and social barriers. I created this blog to be totally impersonal by comparison, here I was never afraid of coming off as total goof ball. In fact I enjoyed it for that reason. It was the Philosopher Epictetus who said, “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.”

Looking back positively, reliving the past perspectives, what I’ve written are mere reflections of a coming of age teenager. Nothing more, I’m glad for that, I never wanted to use it to give you lectures about what I think is wrong in this world or what I think people should do to be morally upright and happy.  Hey, I’m a strong believer in the human condition what can I say, there are enough young pseudo intellectuals on the Internet trying to put across there own ethnocentric or parochial views on to people. Heck they probably have their own blogs also, hence my self-loathing…

What’s always attracted me to writing is finding that eloquent combination of words, "that one true sentence." Sadly my life has become so consumed by working two jobs, there is little else that constitutes as a constructive or creative use of time.   

My job, being a topic in itself, too long and laborious to include here and even I can’t begin to extrapolate what Id want to say. It doesn’t help either Id have to watch what I say so closely to ensure its not predicated as some corporate attack or this blog could end up being very detrimental to my career and me in the future.

Although obscure, this should begin to explain slightly why I have been away and why I am now not as open to talk. I have always been private, at times my blog was only way anyone would know anything about me. It’s been an arduous couple of years working full time, paying bills but at this time I’m in good spirits and looking forward to going on a desperately needed holiday.

Wishing I could take you all with!!!

Mr Boydee

Saturday 12 February 2011

Black Swan Review: Beautifully Terrifying

The movie I’m most excited about this year is about ballet?...

Black Swan is a fascinating portrayal of self obsession that eventually leads main character Nina Sayers into complete madness for the pursuit of perfection. Natalie Portman’s performance is outstanding and really carries the film through with intensity. It’s clear she really trained hard for this and plays a remarkably believable part of the New York ballet production of Swan Lake.

Although consumed with her dance she is kind and good natured, who wants to be the best and never disappoint anyone. Including her smothering theatre mother, who gave up ballet to have a daughter and still holds it against her by projecting most of her own flaws on to her. The movie does a good job of subtly implying most of the tension in their relationship with Nina’s history of cutting and scratching alluded to, without beating you over the head with it.

If the stress of home wasn’t enough for this character she still has to deal with pressure of getting the coveted role of the Swan Queen, something she has trained most of her life for. The problem comes with the duality of the role, no one can argue her technical prowess exceeds the other ballet dancers. Her trainer Thomas Leroy (based on Balanchine) believes she is in fact the perfect embodiment of the White Swan, virginal and fearful.

The Black Swan however is the temptress, the seducer of the audience, something she has no experience of and requires letting go of the strict technical disciplines she’s focused on. The trainer notices many of the Black Swans characteristics in another dancer Lily who’s wild and fearless nature make her reckless technically, but exciting to watch.

Lily is not only a rival but a vision of what she must become to be the Black Swan, in essence Nina is trying to find herself as a woman and it means giving up her innocence and control. The Black swan becomes a second Identity of Nina and is a horrifying, unrelenting presence that is constantly out to change who she is.

Watching Nina degenerate through the nightmarish cinematography can only be described as beautifully terrifying and while heart breaking to watch what happens to this beautiful loving girl it’s fascinating at the same time. Director Darren Aronofsky who up until now I have had a hard time not mentioning is nothing less than a visionary independent film maker. This is a director that’s never not made a great film in his career and his movies are cult classics in their own right.

Just look at his body of work!!! Pii 1998, Requiem of Dream 2000, The Wrestler 2008, Black Swan 2010. If you look at all these films though they have one single main theme in them and that is self destruction. Something Aronofsky has a better grasp on than any director in Hollywood. It's rather crushing though to think that a director with so much talent had to fight to get each one of these films to be made. At least now he’s starting to get the recognition he deserves with an Oscar worthy film.

Black Swan is smart edge of your seat entertainment but if you are not familiar with Aronofsky’s other work it may leave you shell shocked. Working in a Cinema I love watching the silhouetted faces jaws dropp watching this film. When it ends they are left to process what they have watched and have a hard time really putting it into words. This is not feel good entertainment; it’s a thinking man’s film. That said I would recommend you watch Requiem of Dream first If you havent already as its probably the most talked about Aronofsky film and a must see.

This is not a ballet film it’s a psychological thriller that borders on horror. Tchaikovsky score will get your heart beating but extensively its Natalie Portman’s 110% go for broke performance that really holds the film together and makes it a worthwhile watch.

Boydee Blog Rating: 5/5 scary toenail clippings

Friday 10 December 2010

Somewhere Theres A Movie Review Here

Decembers here as we start to head into an Oscar season of films. One of those films I’ve been particularly interested in is Somewhere. Directed by Sofia Coppola, director of Lost in Translation and  the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola, who you may know as the director of the Godfather and Apocalypse Now. Wow! Talk about a tough act to follow.

This film first appeared on my radar when I found out that Stephen Dorff was playing the lead. He’s just such a great actor if you’ve not seen the small independent film he's in called Entropy I'd recommend it. However he’s probably better known as the bad guy in Blade. Despite this he rarely gets many great parts so I was really glad to see him get a lead role in a Coppola film.

In ‘Somewhere’ he plays Johnny Marco a Hollywood actor who on the surface looks to have everything but in reality lives a monotonous, tired existence in room 59 of the Chateau Marmont hotel. About all he can do to stave off his boredom is drive around in his black Ferrari or get drunk at party and have sex with anything wanting to latch on to his fame, these relationships are empty and impersonal at best.

Even with all his money his lifestyle has become boring and routine. It couldn’t be summed up better than in a scene where two bronzed, blond twin’s pole dance at the foot of his bed while the Foo Fighters - My Hero plays in the background. Instead of thinking what a lucky guy, he’s living the dream! You get this long drawn out scene that’s shallow and awkward, you uncomfortably watch the dull played out choreography which you can tell has been a regular occurrence for Johnny as he humorously drifts asleep before they even finish their routine.

Its only when he wakes up one morning with his daughter drawing on his plaster cast that we genuinely see him smile for the first time as she breathes new life into his stuffy air conditioned existence. He avoids telling her the truth of how he broke his arm of course as he was drunk at a party with his friend Sammy (played by Chris Pontius, A.K.A. Party Boy from Jackass!!!) this being one of the many lies he has to tell to hide his lifestyle.

His daughter Cleo played by Elle Fanning is charming and confident, having a rich Dad means she’s spoilt but she doesn’t act it. She’s so together with her life even at such a young age while her father struggles to get through every day. Being the only pure good thing he has you can see the crushing shame on his face as he has to deal with the guilt of being adolescent father who was never there.

When Cleo is in his life it starts to make sense again and brings some clarity to all the bullshit adult crap pulling him down. Its truly joyous just watching their bond strengthen as they play like kids in a swimming pool while The Strokes - I’ll Try Anything Once plays in the background. (Chokes me up just watching the trailer)

Going with the Strokes was a real smart move as Julian Casablancas has that dense sounding voice that is still raw and iconic but more importantly his lyrics are all about going through the same fame and disillusionment as the father is.

So far I’ve probably given this movie a glowing review but be warned its painfully slow and there’s very little dialogue making it really unsatisfying at times when characters don’t open up. It’s realistic however and it maintains this realism throughout but at the cost of nothing spectacular really happening, it’s why I can give away so much of the plot and not really spoil anything.

The main thing portrayed though is the disconnect that happens when you live a life of isolation and unfulfillment. Life loses meaning and every day you push away from yourself, losing grip of your ability to relate and gain the richness from others. (Something he now only finds in his daughter) This leads to a self destructive process of wanting to do anything to distract himself from his own thoughts in an effort to not come to terms with the pain, something I know all too well.

It’s only when Johnny confronts these thoughts head on after not being in the company of his daughter that he has a mental break down and realises all the distractions and casual sex he puts in front of himself only make his life more numb and pointless. In the middle of his breakdown, he says on the phone "I'm not even a person" he is right, because what defines a person is his/her ability to experience, to be fully receptive to the whole spectrum of emotions. He has to get away from his life style if he ever wants to be a person again and grow up to be a better father.

This movie is not for everyone I like it but most will hate it and be bored stiff. I couldn’t have been more excited to watch this film but even I felt really frustrated at the tedium. I was also disappointed that the movie was so lacking at times but there’s something here and its in the subtle moments, that say so much, without saying anything at all.

Boydee Blog Rating: 2.5/5 under water tea cup drinkage

Friday 3 September 2010

Scott Pilgrim, Loves A Game

There’s a lot to like about Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, it may not be a perfect movie but there has certainly been a great deal of care in its production. Most people don’t even realise since they never bother to mention it in any UK trailer or poster that this movie is actually directed by Edgar Wright!!! Director of Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Michael Cera plays Scott Pilgrim a bass player in the band Sex Bob Bomb who despite having an Asian girlfriend falls head over heels for Ramona Flowers. (That girl with a rocky past) Michael Cera seems to get tight cast in teen romance comedies like Juno and the great Youth in Revolt. You can see why though he’s hilarious in any awkward situation you put him in and he plays his insecure weak persona so well you can’t help feel the pain he goes through in those movies.

However in this movie his character is very different, certainly not instantly likeable, he’s self centred and kind of an asshole. The starting setup was rather slow but thankfully when it ramps up it really ramps up and suddenly his whole life turns into a Comic book/Video game literally!

If you didn’t already know Scott Pilgrim is based on a comic book and no movie in history has been as faithful to the source material like this. The movie uses a lot of frantic cuts like you’re going from one frame to another and fantastically spells out things with huge letters when punches and kicks are delivered and even emotions felt. There are so many retro video game references that are so charming and well thought out I was amazed!

The movie is basically centred on the 7 evil X-boyfriends of Ramona Flowers who Scott Pilgrim has to fight in order to win her love. They are all uniquely different with their own fighting style to go with it. The evil X I thought was most genius was Todd Ingram played by Brandon Routh, (Superman) he probably got the hardest laugh throughout the entire movie as he plays a pretentious vegan who has psychic powers.

There something really compelling to me about turning someone’s reality into a comic book because it becomes so much more revealing to a characters identity when nothing is hidden. I mean you don’t need a psychological degree to understand what is going on in each person’s head because it’s shown to you in such an exaggerated detail.

In real life there would probably only be a subtle facial cue or an argument that would break out when meeting someone’s ex. In this movie it’s a round house kick to the face or hadoken uppercut through a ceiling, it’s so brutally honest you've gotta love it.

The movie is really funny and action packed but beneath all the crazy action and whacky humour there is a deep social commentary which I found quite fascinating as I could see certain traits in people I knew and more uncomfortably in myself.

I left the cinema deciphering what the movie would have been if it wasn’t a comic book and more surprisingly I found myself taking a hard look at myself at times and realising just how shallow I had been at certain times in my life. People don’t like to see their own imperfections so maybe they won’t identify with Scott Pilgrims shallowness or Ramona Flowers heart breaking nature.

In fact most won’t go looking for any of this stuff as the oddball humour holds up for itself but if you do its a smarter movie than it would seem on the surface. It’s just a real shame to see it doing so poorly at the box office when its one of the most well produced films this month.

Boydee Blog Rating: 4/5 epic bass lines.

Monday 16 August 2010

L.M.S. Spectacular Art

Came across an article today about Paramount winning a bidding war to procure movie motion picture rights for the graphic novel L.M.S. (Last Man Standing) by Dan LuVisi. Interested I went to investigate the website and was amazed at his spectacular art!!! He’s really struck gold I think in creating a rich compelling world of with some amazing characters!!!

The story takes place 600 years into the future in an alternate universe. The story is about Gabriel a super soldier designed to be invincible to fight the wars of earth. However he gets framed by a terrorist organisation known as Pandemonium for atrocious crimes he didn’t commit. They sentence him to life in a level-9 facility (hell on earth) where he is tortured for 9 years before he finally breaks out. Only then does his story truly begin, and the lies and twists unravel.

The opening line of the synopsis - “My name is Gabriel and I'm going to take you on a little adventure through my life. I must warn you though, it's not for the faint of heart or stomach, for that matter. There will be laughing, crying, sex, violence, robots, ninjas, burlesque girls, body builder sharks and shit you wouldn't fathom.”

The combination of his art and his understanding of the source material really sold me on the chaotic violent world that’s been created. I couldn’t help feel when reading Dan LuVisi’s interviews that I was on the same wave length as this guy!!!

If your thinking this is wildly exaggerated and unrealistic then you’re missing the point. (face palm) This is adult escapism, you just have to go with it if you’re going to have any fun... If you cant appreciate the OTT nature your severely lacking in imagination.

Here are some choice quotes from Dan LuVisi “It all started with just one simple image, of this character named Alice, a girl with a gun-guitar. A lot of my friends really responded to it, so I began to design more characters.”

“It was going to be just a cool character book, nothing more. But then I designed Gabriel, and that's when everyone got excited. I then began to create a story, which then turned into history, which then turned into a universe and so forth.”

“The LMS world is very 60s/80s meets sci-fi. So I listen to a lot of golden classics, and then some Justice, NIN, Muse, Daft Punk, Kavinsky, Ryan Johnson and Danger to get into that weird-mode. I can't draw without music, I owe a lot to those amazing artists for the constant company.”

“I've been crafting over the past two and a half years. I want it to be a graphic novel series, but start it in a non-traditional way. Where most comics start off with a first issue, this starts off with a 230-page bible of a book, Killbook of a Bounty Hunter, that sets up the entire universe of the LMS world.”

“For the book, I did absolutely everything. From designing it, the art, the type, the story and all the other nooks and crannies. I didn't have any money to hire anyone, so this was really a labour of love. It was incredibly difficult and really took a lot out of me mentally and physically. But looking back at it now, I'm really happy that I just took it all on. I hope to stay along for the whole ride, but I want some other talent to come in now. I have no issues with that!”

To summarise why I love this:

Dan LuVisi’s art takes a lot of guy stuff I love and somehow combines into one coherent thing! 60’s Pinup girls, comic violence, over engineered design, retro childhood influences, and all the modern culture and music I love.

I am facinated with the images alone I just can’t wait to get my hands on this! :)

Be sure to check out the amazing L.M.S. website

Also check out his art!!!