Saturday, 24 July 2010

Toy Story 3 Makes Me Feel 5 Years Old Again!!!

It’s amazing to think Toy Story came out in 1995 when I was just 5 years old. I remember watching in awe as this new 3D technology was like nothing I had ever seen before. So detailed! So, so shiny! O_O THE CLAW!!!!

It’s 2010 now and I’m 20 years of age. I have grown up at the same rate as Andy in the movie, a concept in itself that is really cool but it also means I have this strong emotional connection to the series even as 20 year old. I can't really explain it I just know it hits me hard deep down, like somewhere between the pancreas and the small intestine? To the point of me saying this could arguably be one of the best film trilogies in history!

Take a look at this graph I made which uses incredibly complex science you would never be able to understand. (I looked at ra-view websites yea, and den I put de numbers in da graph usein da Photoshop.) To show you what popular opinion was when some of the most important trilogies where made.

As you already probably know figures, never lie... especially ones that are made up on the spot! And as you can see from my graph Toy Story as a trilogy has consecutively and continuously in successesion been progressively and sequentially... Good. I can't overstate that enough, even though I just did. So let’s move on!

The significance of Toy Story in animation is big, real big. Think of it as a Tsunami that changed the animation world forever. In the end Disney had no choice but to acquire Pixar, to save its animation empire. Yea Disney! You might have heard of them there only the biggest animation pioneers of our parent’s generation.

Steve Jobs with 50% of the Pixar market share was able to kick down the door of Disney, put a gun in the Disney Chairman’s mouth and say "Show me the money or I’m walking BIT*%!!" (Obviously that’s not quite... How it happened I just like the idea that Steve Jobs is a ridiculously violent individual that you wouldn't want to mess with.)

I guess I like Pixar because they have always cared about what they create for example during the production of Toy Story 2 they decided that the sequel just didn’t measure up to the original so they went and remade the movie. Rewriting the entire script! Some of the animators even got repetitive strain injuries just trying to complete it within the 9 month deadline Disney had pushed on them. Now that's dedication and it shows in everything they do.

It’s so much more than the 3D hook that enabled Pixar to succeed. It was the full package of multi dimensional characters, compelling story telling and their ability to cater to both young and old.

Toy Story 3 doesn’t disappoint in these areas, in some respects it has to tell the hardest story of them all. What happens when you outgrow your toys? I’m not going to go into plot specifics because there is no real point. It definitely left me with a warm fuzzy feeling after watching it.

This was supposed to be a review but why review perfection? Just go see it!

Boydee Blog Rating: 5/5 New Infinities and Beyond!


  1. You definitely got this spot on. I went to see this with Caroline the other day and....lets just say I got a bit upset! Im not ashamed, our generation grew up with these movies and the movie itself completely changed animated films forever. Its just a shame....this is the last one...there will never be another one! There will be nothing in comparison, Shrek and the like are good movies of course but will never have the impact Toy Story did. While walking out of the cinema after watching this all i could think was.... "What ever happened to my Action Man?!?"

    Ps : I didnt even know you had this blog! But its awesome!

  2. Yea I agree with you completely but at the same time I think they ended it perfectly. I really dont want them to make any more cause they may just fuck up the magic. :) I actually owned a buzz lightyear and a woody doll I wish so hard I still had them :/

    I just started up this blog its more casual and gets updated more often than my previous one.
